Pantelleria: dal 21 al 28 settembre 2019, torna PASSITALY per celebrare il prodotto principe della…

Pantelleria, 21st – 28th September 2019: 7 days with Passito
27/08/2019Pantelleria, 21st – 28th September 2019.
Seven days in which Passito, the “King” of the island, is the main actor
Italian version – Versione Italiana – Итальянская версия
Russian version – Versione russa – Русская версия
“Passitaly in the world” organized a new edition of “Passitaly”, in collaboration with the municipal administration and the “Heroic Pantelleria” winners.
The goal is to enhance the Passito production; Passitaly have to be an event the involves all the typical products of the island, especially the UNESCO heritage: “vite ad alberello”.
The landscape beauty will bond to the food and wine beauty.
Passitaly wants to merge culture, tourism, identity food and wine of the island to look at a bigger visual identity of all the Mediterranean Sea.
The taste of Pantelleria wine has gained a favorable position in the world wine ranking.
Pantelleria wants to converse with the sweet wine world: Malvasie of Eolie Island, Amarone of Valpolicella etc.
The event program is Plastic Free, it develops in seven days from the 21st to the 28th September. It includes: wine tours, excursions in cellars, musical and cultural events, tasting of typical dishes collaborating with the Slow Food association.
At the end of the event the best Passito will be awarded.
Passitaly will be completed by music concerts: Irene Grandi, Max Gazzè and Carmen Consoli, three Italian singer, will be the main actors.
Passitaly still promises to be a way to combine flavours, nature, music and culture in one of the most beautiful lands in the Mediterranean Sea.

Punto a Capo Onlus è l’editrice di PUNTO A CAPO ONLINE, PUNTO A CAPO SPORT e PANTELLERIA NOTIZIE. La Redazione è nella sede operativa, a Marino (Roma). La Redazione Pantesca si ritrova periodicamente a Pantelleria. La Redazione è aperta anche se non sempre ‘fisicamente’. Infatti, essendo i collaboratori tutti volontari, lavorano quasi sempre da casa.
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