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Pantelleria, 21st – 28th September 2019: 7 days with Passito

Pantelleria, 21st – 28th September 2019.

Seven days in which Passito, the “King” of the island, is the main actor

Italian version – Versione Italiana – Итальянская версия

Russian version – Versione russa – Русская версия

“Pas­si­ta­ly in the world” orga­ni­zed a new edi­tion of “Pas­si­ta­ly”, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the muni­ci­pal admi­ni­stra­tion and the “Heroic Pan­tel­le­ria” winners.

The goal is to enhan­ce the Pas­si­to pro­duc­tion; Pas­si­ta­ly have to be an event the invol­ves all the typi­cal pro­duc­ts of the island, espe­cial­ly the UNESCO heri­ta­ge: “vite ad alberello”.

The land­sca­pe beau­ty will bond to the food and wine beauty.

Pas­si­ta­ly wan­ts to mer­ge cul­tu­re, tou­ri­sm, iden­ti­ty food and wine of the island to look at a big­ger visual iden­ti­ty of all the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea.

The taste of Pan­tel­le­ria wine has gai­ned a favo­ra­ble posi­tion in the world wine ranking.

Pan­tel­le­ria wan­ts to con­ver­se with the sweet wine world: Mal­va­sie of Eolie Island, Ama­ro­ne of Val­po­li­cel­la etc.

The event pro­gram is Pla­stic Free, it deve­lops in seven days from the 21st to the 28th Sep­tem­ber. It inclu­des: wine tours, excur­sions in cel­lars, musi­cal and cul­tu­ral even­ts, tasting of typi­cal dishes col­la­bo­ra­ting with the Slow Food association.

At the end of the event the best Pas­si­to will be awarded.

Pas­si­ta­ly will be com­ple­ted by music con­certs: Ire­ne Gran­di, Max Gaz­zè and Car­men Con­so­li, three Ita­lian sin­ger, will be the main actors.

Pas­si­ta­ly still pro­mi­ses to be a way to com­bi­ne fla­vours, natu­re, music and cul­tu­re in one of the most beau­ti­ful lands in the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea.

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