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On Monday Pantelleria will greet Simone Parisi leaving to New York

Tomorrow, Monday 28 October at 11am, Pantelleria will give its greetings and, in a sense, its official ‘blessing’ to Simone Parisi who is preparing to leave to run the New York Marathon.

Gianfranco Misuraca, President of ASD Pantelleria Outdoor explains what is going to happen tomorrow


Our new­spa­per is fol­lo­wing Simo­ne Pari­si and his adven­tu­re with ASD Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door sin­ce this par­ti­ci­pa­tion took sha­pe and we are now almo­st on the eve of the race. ASD Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door orga­ni­zed a mee­ting at Pan­tel­le­ria Castle to greet Simo­ne and give impor­tant infor­ma­tion about his trip to the Pan­tel­le­ria peo­ple (pan­te­schi), tomor­row mor­ning, Mon­day 28 Octo­ber at 11am.

Gian­fran­co Misu­ra­ca, Pre­si­dent of ASD Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door, which kic­ked off and is fol­lo­wing this pro­ject step by step to bring Pan­tel­le­ria with Simo­ne to the Big Apple, descri­bed us the tomor­ro­w’s event.

“Tomor­ro­w’s event will still be held without osten­ta­tion, given the coin­ci­den­ce with the loss of two citi­zens, so we will not put music out of respect. It is an ini­tia­ti­ve to offi­cial­ly deli­ver to Simo­ne the shirt he will wear during the race, with the cre­st of the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Pan­tel­le­ria and, of cour­se, the logo of ASD Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door. With the occa­sion, we will also deli­ver the Asso­cia­tion t‑shirts and caps which, toge­ther with Pan­tel­le­ria pro­duc­ts, will be deli­ve­red as a sou­ve­nir to the Ita­lian com­mu­ni­ty Simo­ne is going to meet in New York at the FIAO.

Tomor­row, I’m explai­ning how the idea of ​​sen­ding Simo­ne to the New York Mara­thon was born and how the ASD Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door has faced the various steps of a dif­fi­cult orga­ni­za­tion, but that in the end gave us the desi­red sati­sfac­tions, so now we can say that the­re we did it.

Tho­se who want to fol­low Simo­ne step by step during the 42 km of the Mara­thon, can do it direc­tly throu­gh our Face­book page of the Pan­tel­le­ria Out­door ASD which will broa­d­ca­st live its posi­tion in real time or using the appli­ca­tion made avai­la­ble by the orga­ni­za­tion of the New York Mara­thon (see here) or throu­gh the STRAVA app. Just remem­ber that Simo­ne’s race num­ber is 5199 and you can enter it when asked.

At the mee­ting we invi­ted the spon­sors and the Muni­ci­pal Admi­ni­stra­tion in the per­sons of the Coun­ci­lor for Sport, Anto­nio Gut­te­rez, and the Mayor, Vin­cen­zo Cam­po, sin­ce thanks to them, in addi­tion to Fran­co Per­di­chiz­zi, we were able to make Simo­ne’s par­ti­ci­pa­tion as run­ner coin­ci­de to that of ‘Ambas­sa­dor of Pan­tel­le­ria’ at the Ita­lian Com­mu­ni­ty of New York.

Final­ly, this will also be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to invi­te tho­se who wish to greet Simo­ne when he will be going to lea­ve at the air­port on Wed­ne­sday, Octo­ber 30th bet­ween 2.30pm and 3.00pm.”


28 otto­bre

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